The Atomic Model

This is a Lithium Atom, click on its different parts to learn more.

Stylized Lithium Atom
picture of the protron
The Protron

With its positive charge, the proton was one of the first parts of the atom to be discovered. Let's learn more about it!

Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford

Discovered in 1911 by Ernest Rutherford, the proton was the beginning of the modern-day atomic theory. In his now-famous experiment, he was able to shoot radioactive alpha particles into a gold foil and measure the deflection. This allowed him to detect the presence of the proton.

Atomic Number
The layout of an element

An element's atomic number is determined by the number of protons that that element posses. This also means, that since the atom is electromagnetically neutral, the positive charge of the proton is balanced out by the negative charge with the same number of electrons.

It's Ancient History
The path which electrons follow to reach their place

Although the modern atomic theory wasn't developed for another 2,500 years, the first to visualize the atom as a single particle were Leucippus and Democritus Way back in Ancient Greece. These first ideas were the very first atomic model.