Picture of Jose Reynaldo

Hello, I’m José.

I currently live in San Juan, Puerto rico.


I'm currently a highschool student who loves to learn and explore. I'm origannly from cuba but moved stateside in 2013. My whole life i've been intrested in learning new skill and always going on new adventures, and my software development is just the newest of my adventures.

I've lived in so many differnt places and with so many diffenrt people that i feel at home almost anywhere. It's allowed me to be incredely divercified, not only with my but also with the people i've been able to interact with and understand. I absoluteley love learning about new things and people.


I want to master the process of building web sites and increase my knowledge, skills and abilities in:

I’d like to work for a web design firm helping clients create an impressive online presence. To do my best work brings me immense joy, allowing me to not only do an incredible job, but also love the work while I do it.